Francis Andrew baptised 1863, Swansea
Francis Andrew, was born to James and Mary Jane Andrew  on the 26th. October 1863. He was their seventh child and  their fourth son and was born in the brand new houses in  Nicholl Street, where the family lived at that time. (There is  no record of the house number.) He was born when the Victorian Age was well under way. A  time in which Swansea's population grew rapidly in size  through inward migration and saw the Town become the  world's leading metallurgical centre. Like his elder brother  James, Francis became a journeyman painter, a trade also  followed by his two younger brothers William and Sydney. A  speciality of them all was painting wood grains of various  woods. The natural grain would be faithfully reproduced  onto any base making it look as if it was actually made of  wood. They each specialised in different woods and most  probably recommended each other to prospective clients. A  fifth brother Joshua, became a stone mason.  Francis, whilst working at a colliery site near Pentrechwyth,  met his future wife Sophia David. (How did he transport his  paints, brushes and ladders?)  
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She was about fourteen years old, the second surviving daughter of Daniel and Sophia David,  whilst Francis was seventeen. She used to take her father's lunch up to the mine for him, and it  was on one of these occasions that Francis and Sophia first met. Francis and Sophia were  married on the 29th. January 1885 at the Swansea Register office. 
The only four surviving children of Francis and Sophia Andrew. From the left they are: Daniel James Mary Jane Francis Brinley Walter
Map of central Swansea in 1878